Membership is open to anyone with a sincere interest in the cultural past of Florida and who is dedicated to the understanding and preservation of that heritage. Amateurs, professionals and concerned citizens are welcomed as members. Membership is for one calendar year and all dues are payable in December-January. For new members, if you pay between September and December your membership is honored through the next calendar year.
Code of Ethics of the Central Gulf Coast Archaeological Society
- Membership in the Society shall be denied to any person who violates accepted standards of archaeological conduct as set forth by federal, state and local laws and regulations.
- A member must be keenly aware that an archaeological site contains evidence of specific human activities and is a unique source of data about past socio-cultural behavior. All sites deserve professional quality excavation, analysis and publication.
- A member will not participate in uncontrolled archaeological work, but will seek to aid and assist the trained members in furtherance of excavation, laboratory work, research, analysis and reporting. The Society will assist in the ongoing training of members.
- The practices of buying and selling archaeological materials for personal satisfaction or financial gain, and the indiscriminate excavation of archaeological sites are contrary to the objectives and goals of the Society.
- A member should report all illicit and illegal activities, such as unauthorized digging or looting of sites, and all sites threatened with destruction by natural or other causes.
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Do you prefer to join our organization by mail?
Please print this membership form and mail it along with your check made payable to
Central Gulf Coast Archaeological Society
1500 Weedon Drive NE
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Questions about your online payment or membership? Contact Kelsey Kreiser, kelsey.kreiser@cardno.com